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Data privacy in the real estate sector is crucial due to the nature of the information held by partners. Real estate agents and agencies handle a wealth of personal and financial data. This includes property details, financial records, and client information. Protecting this data is not only a legal requirement but also essential for maintaining client trust and reputation. The Federal Government is imposing significant fines on organisations where data breaches are shown to have been avoidable.

Recent data leaks from two Australian real estate entities suggests that landlords’ bank details and tenants’ photo identification were revealed to cyber criminals. In another property contracts and the names and contact details of some customers were stolen. These examples illustrate the challenges for those collecting and storing rental data, and the need for enhanced data privacy in the real estate sector.

Best Practices for Data Privacy in the Real Estate Sector

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Data Privacy Policy. Real estate professionals should establish a robust data privacy policy that outlines the collection, storage, and handling of personal information. This policy should align with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and clearly communicate to clients how their data will be used, shared, and protected.
  2. Implement Strong Security Measures. Employing robust security measures is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data. This includes encrypting data, implementing firewalls, regularly updating software, and securing networks and devices. Regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing can help identify potential weaknesses and address them proactively.
  3. Educate Staff on Data Privacy. Training employees on data privacy best practices is vital to prevent inadvertent breaches. Staff should be aware of the potential risks, such as phishing attacks or social engineering, and know how to identify and report suspicious activities. Ongoing training and awareness programs can help reinforce the importance of data privacy throughout the organisation.
  4. Secure Data Storage and Sharing. Real estate professionals should ensure that data is securely stored and only accessed by authorised personnel. Adopting secure cloud-based storage solutions with strong access controls and encryption can provide an additional layer of protection. When sharing sensitive information, utilising secure file transfer methods and limiting access to authorised parties is essential.
  5. Compliance with Privacy Laws and Regulations. Real estate professionals must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 and other relevant laws and regulations, including the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme. This includes reporting eligible data breaches to the OAIC and affected individuals within the required timeframe


As the real estate sector in Australia undergoes digital transformation, data privacy becomes critical. Real estate professionals must prioritise the security and privacy of sensitive information to protect their clients and maintain trust in the industry.


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